Affiliate marketers use various tactics to strengthen and diversify their campaigns. And they should constantly look for new ways of affiliate links promotion to streamline their work and maximize the opportunity of generating more revenue.
This is where live presentations come into play.
How to Include Affiliate Links in Live Presentations
Live presentations can help you grow your affiliate marketing revenue. They’re a smart way to boost your bottom-line sales and they could be the best form of content for business.
You can use live presentations to engage with your prospects and educate them about your products or services. Live presentations are similar to online lessons, where the presenter plays the role of a teacher.
From the audience perspective, live presentations offer a unique experience to connect directly with professionals. That’s a chance to hear first-hand about your products or service from you (the expert) and ask questions about things that could be confusing.
Live presentations offer you an opportunity to build a deeper connection with your audience. As the presenter of a live presentation, you can get into the discussion with your audience and get to know who they are in person. This level of connection isn’t accessible with other marketing channels such as blog posts and emails.
Plus, you can optimize your live presentations to promote your affiliate links. Since the presentation is live, it forces people to pay attention because they don’t want to miss anything. So, live presentations can convert well. Here are four ways to include affiliate links in your live presentations.
1. Add Affiliate Links to Free Handouts
You can easily use live presentations to generate new leads and sales from your attendees. Host content-rich live presentations and then offer free handouts at the end of the presentation.
Make sure the free handouts have additional information about the products or tools you’re promoting. To generate leads and sales from the free handouts, create valuable content that shows customers the benefits of the products and how to use those products.
2. Mask Your Affiliate Link as Short Links and Display Them at the End of the Presentation
Looking for creative and new ways to include affiliate links in your live presentations?
Shorten your affiliate links and display them at the end of the presentation. However, make sure you use your name on all links you share because a branded link improves trust with your audience, improves brand awareness, and gets you more clicks on the content you’re sharing.
Link for more information –
3. Use Q & A Sessions
When hosting a live presentation as part of your affiliate marketing campaign, include a question-and-answer session. This allows you to explain to the audience how the products you’re promoting work. Let your audience ask questions; it will make them more confident in the product if they hear you explain about it.
After answering all their questions and explaining how the product works, use that opportunity to give out your affiliate link. And give them an incentive to use your link.
4. Use a Guest Speaker or Testimonials
It’s one thing to tell your audience about a product but it’s another thing to hear an endorsement from a third party or testimonials from other customers who have used the product.
Invite a reputable person to speak about the benefits of the products you’re recommending. Or you can invite happy customers who are ready to share their experiences.
While it’s challenging for many affiliate marketers to organize and present their first, live presentation, the potential to boost affiliate marketing revenue is huge. In fact, you can use live presentations as part of a marketing strategy for any type of affiliate marketing.