When you start making money on the internet, you want to find a way to earn a recurring income. Most people start out with a few information products, work their way up to coaching, and eventually realize that the best way to earn recurring revenue is via membership sites.
A membership site doesn’t have to be complicated. There is a lot of technology out there to help you create a very well made membership site. When you think about how much money you want to make on the internet, it becomes quickly apparent that making money with membership sites is the way to go.
Let’s say you want to make an additional $3000 per month. You have a lot of information products, you’re a known expert in your niche, maybe you even have a popular and expensive one-on-one coaching business. If you’re willing to invest in the technology required, and the help to monitor the membership, you can very easily do this.
If you only charged $30.00 per member per month, which is actually a low price if you’re that big of an expert, you only need 100 members to bring in that additional $3000 dollars a month, each and every month. 100 members is a drop in the bucket when you consider the numbers of people who are interested in your niche.
If you don’t want to go that big, there are other ways to create membership sites that are profitable. You can create an eCourse that is 12 weeks long, charge a fee each week to keep getting the information delivered by email and you have yourself a membership site without even having the website membership technology in place. All you need to do is use something like AWeber and PayPal to get started.
To have a profitable membership site you need:
A Niche You’re Passionate About
You likely already have a niche but if you don’t, do your homework to find a money-making niche where you will have no problems coming up with at least one good product each month, or week, depending on what you’re planning to promise the membership. What’s really great is you can actually create your first product, then create the products on schedule after you’re already attracting members. No need to create 52 products before you start marketing.
Information to Disseminate to the Members
Start with at least some information that you can provide the members when they join. Often membership sites that are on a website have access to a discussion board where members can speak to and among each other about the products and services the membership provides. Then there is a members’ area where members can download the information they get with their membership each period that you’ve decided upon. As mentioned above, you can start with just one period of information and add to it as you market the membership.
Membership Site Technology
There are a lot of different styles of membership sites, and a lot of different software and technology to make it happen. The features you want to offer your members will help you make the choice of what type of membership technology you want to implement.
You don’t have to have a message board if you don’t want one. You can deliver all membership material via email if you prefer, or you can create a website with the downloadable products available by links that are sent via email autoresponder software on a periodic basis. Make a list of the features you want, then look for the software.
Loyal Fans and Followers Who Want the Information You Have
Your membership site will be more fruitful if you already have a loyal following and this is a new offer in your product funnel. If you already have books, reports, services, information, coaching, and more, you’re primed for starting a membership site and making it super profitable. But, even if you don’t have that many fans or followers yet, you can build them with the right niche.
Getting started is the key to making money with membership sites. Don’t let the idea overwhelm you; membership sites are a great addition to your product funnel if you really want to create long-term recurring revenue in your business.