When you work from home in a home business that you solely own, you end up spending a great deal of time by yourself. Unlike the traditional workplace, you find that you get very little social interaction. Not only does this create lonely conditions for you, but it can also be unhealthy.
Such situations can be very confining and have also been known to cause depression, an overall feeling of loneliness and sometimes will zap your motivation. There are ways to avoid any of this from happening to you. If you find yourself working in such conditions, it is time to add some social interaction to your life and business.
Here are some great ways to add some interaction to your business which will help alleviate any of the negative consequences that solo entrepreneurs experience with loneliness.
A great way to meet and network with others in your industry would be to attend conferences in and around your area. Even if it requires a bit of travel, this would help you get out and about in the community and out of your office. This is also a good way to build and maintain relationships with other business owners.
Forming an alliance with other business owners is another way to add human interaction to your business. This will allow you to interact with others that have common goals in mind. Some refer to this alliance as a “mastermind group,