Turning your digital audios and videos into CDs and DVDs is the last step in the multimedia product creation process. It’s only one step, but if you don’t know how to walk that last step, it can seem like a very long walk. Here’s how to turn your audios and videos into CDs and DVDs – step by step.
==> Record or Retrieve High Quality Audio and Video
When audio and video are distributed via the internet, they are often compressed into what’s called “lossy” formats.
That means these formats reduce the file size by cutting out quality. The data they cut out is generally imperceptible when used on a computer. However, on a DVD screen the difference between high quality and lossy compression is significant.
So start by retrieving the high quality originals. Work with that file.
==> Create a Title Screen
For DVDs, you’ll need to create a title screen. This screen loads before any video starts to play. It’s where people choose what scene they want to see or choose to hit play.
DVD creation software will have a variety of templates you can use to create this title screen.
==> Designing the CD Artwork
The CD artwork plays a big part in the perceived value of your product. When someone opens up their case and sees your CD, they should think to themselves: “Wow, that looks amazing!”
The artwork needs to be designed in 300 dpi (dots per inch) rather than 72 dpi. Web standard is 72 dpi, while 300 is standard for print. Make sure you design in CMYK color scheme rather than RGB, or at least preview in CMYK if you design in RGB.
CD artwork shouldn’t be overly complex. It should look like your brand. If it’s an informational product by you, having you on the CD or having your logo on the CD is a good bet. Make sure each CD is labeled with the disc number and the title.
==> Designing the CD Binder or CD Case
Again, the binder should be designed in 300 DPI on CMYK color scheme. You need to design the front of the CD binder, the back of the binder and the inside sleeves.
One common approach is to have dazzling artwork on the front, brief sales copy on the back telling them what’s covered on the CD, and the chapters of the disc on the inside cover.
==> Burning and Fulfillment
Once you have your title, your high quality video or audio and your artwork ready, you’re ready to create your prototype.
Use CD or DVD creation software to burn the videos and audios on to disc. Then print a sample DVD label on a DVD label sticker, available at Office Depot and most stationery stores. Stick it on your disc.
Finally, print out the binder’s artwork and insert it in the appropriate places. You now have your prototype.
All you need to do now is send this prototype to a fulfillment company. Alternatively, you could continue to make the DVDs binder by binder until you can’t keep up with the orders anymore and have to move to third party fulfillment.