When you write a guest blog post, you want to hit it out of the park. A killer blog post will get people to link to you. It’ll get people from that blog post to come visit your site. It’ll generate more social media buzz. It’ll also make the blog owner happier and open doors to future cooperation.
So how do you make a guest blog post truly shine?
==> Get to Know Their Blog and Audience
Start by reading their blog and getting a sense for who their audience is and what kind of style they have.
Who tends to read their blog? What kind of attitude do writers on this site have? What kinds of topics do they address? Is there a common train of thought prevalent on the site?
Read through the comments of past posts. Get a sense for what kind of questions people have and what kinds of posts they tend to respond to.
Try to get a handle on what kind of material people like. Is it step by step guides? Do they like success stories? Perhaps they have one specific problem that they want to resolve?
==> Figure Out the “WIIFM”
Before writing your blog post, figure out the “what’s in it for me” that users should walk away from your post with.
Should they understand a certain concept better? Should they know how to do something that they didn’t know before? In what direct way will your content impact their lives?
Then begin your article by telling them this “WIIFM” statement. Make it hard hitting and compelling and really get them excited about your content before you deliver it.
==> Add Personality, Share Experience
The best blog posts are those where the writer really shares his or her experience. Don’t try to come off as a stand-offish “professional voice.” Instead, really add your personality to the mix.
In addition to making your content land better, this also does one other thing. The more personality you have in your writing, the more curious people will be about you. At the end of the article, that makes it more likely for them to click on your link.
==> Let It Sit
After writing your blog post, let it sit or a few hours or preferably a few days before sending it in for publication.
By going over it a second time, you’ll often catch spelling mistakes or be able to reword your sentences in a more powerful way.
In other words, give it your all and try to make it perfect before sending it off.
Writing a top-notch guest blog post takes a lot of effort. You’ll have to refine and refine the post, as well as pour your heart and soul into it if you want it to make an impact. Your reward will be the large flows of targeted traffic that’ll come as a result.