Don’t you hate it when you see those commercials offering new customers huge discounts over what you are now paying as a long-term customer? Apartments, cell phone companies, and cable companies are especially guilty of this practice. This is why people often do not live in apartments long term, like to switch cell phone companies, and move back and forth between cable companies. They want the best deal.
Your customers are no different. If they see you offering new client deals often, but never any loyalty discounts or rewards to current clients, they might decide it’s time to move on to someone who is offering new client rewards rather than stick with you. Thankfully, if you want to you can build in client rewards to your business model and keep your current clients happy.
You don’t have to break the bank to reward your customers either. You can create simple reward programs that both value your time and your customers’ loyalty.
* Create a VIP Program – Create a VIP program that is only open to current customers. You can actually charge a sign-up fee for your VIP program. Once someone is signed up they can earn valuable discounts, freebies and special access to customer care.
* Send Cards/Gifts Regularly – Current customers will love getting cards and thank you notes. If you send cards on their special days such as birthdays, anniversaries and more, they’ll feel rewarded. Ensure that you’ve included a small discount on their special days or exclusive package deals just for them based on their preferences.
* Deliver Exceptional Service – You can reward your customers simply by giving them outstanding, exceptional customer service each and every time you deliver their product or service. Remember, you are here for them, not the other way around.
* Host a Free Webinar – Make this for customers only, and allow them to ask you questions that you answer live. You can do this on Google+ Hangout, or via a service like What’s more you can record it, and then transcribe it to reuse later and perhaps add to your FAQ or knowledge base.
* Provide Advance Notification – If you’re getting ready to launch a new product or service, always notify your current customers first, giving them an opportunity to grab the new items at a special discount before offering it to the general public.
* Offer Unannounced Premiums – When your customers put things in their shopping cart, it’s always nice to throw in something they didn’t expect for free. It doesn’t cost you much to throw in a free eBook or eReport. If they spend enough, even sending them a free T-shirt is a small price to pay to make them feel appreciated.
The main thing to keep in mind is that customer acquisition is very expensive compared to customer retention. Any small thing you can do to up their perception of your value will be something they won’t soon forget, especially in this age of rewarding new clients over current. Be different, stand out, reward current clients first.