Feng Shui is a Chinese approach to balancing heaven and earth to create a positive energy flow. If you’re a business owner one of the most important places in your life is your home office. It’s where you make a living, create and grow your business, and get the most accomplished. However, many times the home office feels like the least productive place to be. It feels like it might be more productive if you were to go sit in your car. That’s when you know some changes need to be made, and fast.
Choosing Your Space
Many homes don’t give you a choice. The home office is where the architect and builder put it. However, if you have a choice, try to position your home office as close to the front door as possible. If your home office needs to be on the second floor, then try to position your office near the front of the house. This is because Feng Shui principles state that energy flows from the front of the house and then travels upward.
Desk Positioning
When sitting at your desk, what do you see? If you see the wall it’s time to turn your desk around. You want to be able to see who is entering your office. Now this can get a bit tricky because you want to have a solid wall behind your back, not a window. If you have to face a wall, consider putting a large mirror in front of you.
The Five Elements
Incorporate the five elements, wood, fire, earth, metal, and water into your home office. Accessories and furniture are the easiest ways to accomplish this. The key is balance. For example, if you have a wood floor, wooden desk and plants then you’ll need to balance with water, metal, and fire.
Wood inspires creativity, which is great. And clay or stone symbolize earth. However, fire is the strongest element for productivity. Candles, fire places, lamps and the color red all symbolize the fire element. Feng Shui experts recommend placing your fire element in the southern corner of your office space. And if you’re ready to earn some more money then don’t forget your metal element. Items made from metal or metallic colors help you rake in the cash. However, keep in mind that you don’t want to build a home office made from any one element, including metal, because the elements need to be in balance for maximum benefit.
The Clutter Concept
Finally, and you probably already know this, get rid of the clutter. Not only does it stop the flow of positive energy, it wastes your time. Instead of trying to locate that document, you could be checking tasks off of your list and making money.
If you aspire to be more productive, take a look at your home office. Embrace Feng Shui concepts and tips to create a more productive workplace.