How many times do you get a great idea only to forget about it ten minutes later? If you’re an entrepreneur then it probably happens quite often. This is because entrepreneurs tend to have active brains with new thoughts and ideas flowing through fairly constantly. And entrepreneurs are generally busy people with active lives. You never sit down so it’s difficult to capture ideas when they happen.
The Trick is in the Training
As a business owner you’ve likely created systems for yourself. These systems were once ideas that you seized and converted into practice. For example, maybe you check your email every morning as you take your first sip of coffee. That system didn’t just happen, you made it happen. You, consciously or unconsciously, trained yourself to perform this task every day. You trained yourself. Which means you can train yourself to do other things, like capture ideas when you have them.
About Those Ideas
You already know how you work best. Do you prefer to write things down by hand or use technology? Would you be better able to keep a notepad with you or a mobile device? Consider your personality and the types of systems that work best for you. If you’re unsure, try a couple different approaches. Note, if you’re going to use an application or technology, download the free or light version first. There’s no need to pay for something that may not work for you.
Also consider where you are when you tend to have most of your ideas. Are you in the shower? In the car? Are you at a soccer game or walking the dog? When do your ideas generally come to you? Now try to match those situations with your personal preferences.
For example, if you have most of your ideas when you’re driving then writing down your idea probably isn’t going to work. Two hands on the wheel, please. However, you could set up your mobile device to be hands free. You could dictate the idea and email it to yourself.
Make it A Reality
Now this is the difficult part. You want to not only begin to use your new system but also to seize inspiration. When you have an idea, it’s not enough to write it down. You need to be in a position to take action. This also means having systems in place to take steps quickly. Consider placing your virtual assistant, business coach and business partner on speed dial. They can help you get the ball rolling with every good idea that flashes into your wonderful mind.