PLR products can be a very cost-effective way to get great content for your blog. Instead of having to do all the content yourself or pay enormous amounts of money to have a private writer do your content, you can use PLR products instead.
The key to using PLR products with blogs is to make sure you keep the quality consistently high. If you can make sure the PLR content you use is as high as your own content, you’ll be set to go.
Here’s how to use PLR to boost your blogging success.
==> Start with a High-Quality Package
The most important thing is to start with a high-quality PLR package. The best way to make sure your PLR package is of a high quality is to pay a lot of attention to the samples provided.
Read through the samples carefully. Don’t just skim them. Get a real sense for the writer’s style and whether or not you think their style would resonate with your reader base.
Get a sense for whether they’re high-quality articles or not. Do they say something original, or do they just rehash existing concepts? Is there a sense of style about them? Does the writing flow?
==> Rewriting the Articles
In order to use PLR content, you’ll need to rewrite the articles. You’ll need to either do this yourself or hire someone else to do it. Sometimes you can do both.
Having someone else do it is extremely affordable. Per piece, you’re looking at between $1.50 and $3. Make sure that if you do hire someone else that you check the work through Copyscape to see if the articles are “too similar” to the originals.
Whether you choose to hire someone or not, it makes sense to do a bit of personalization. Write the first paragraph yourself, or personalize the style of the article in some way so it resonates with your reader base.
Don’t just buy a PLR package, rewrite it and use it out of the box. Instead, try to do your rewrites in a way that makes sense to your readers.
==> Go Multi-Media
One of the best ways to use PLR products is to take an article from its text form and turn it into multimedia content.
For example, take the PLR content and send it to someone on eLance or Fiverr to read out loud. Find someone with a passionate voice and turn it into an MP3 download.
Alternatively, you can even hire someone to create a slideshow for the audio. You can merge the audio and the slideshow to create a stellar video that you can post on your blog for free.
There are a lot of ways you can use PLR and multimedia together. You can turn it into a flash infographic, you can turn it into daily audio snippets…the list goes on and on.
Using PLR content allows you to take a lot of the effort out of blogging. Instead of having to come up with all the ideas and content for yourself, you can just buy it and rebrand it instead.