While using the internet and social media to gain employment has increased for employers over the last few years, there are definitely some upsides and downsides to the impact that social media can have on your career.
Technology is not for everyone – While knowing how to use technology seems to be a given these days, not everyone is tech savvy. As a matter of fact, a large component of job seekers consists of skilled employees who have been laid off after years of employment at one particular company. If a skilled laborer is skilled in his or her craft, chances are that he or she may not be well versed in technology or social media. Social media is widely viewed as a tool for businesspersons looking to network or young college students just looking to pass the time. Social media can have a value, but one must know how to use it for it to be that benefit.
Privacy – Certain individuals are simply not interested in posting pictures of themselves and their personal or employment history for complete strangers to view. There are folks who pride themselves on their privacy and are not willing to sacrifice same.
Time consumption – Having too many social media sites may prove helpful in the long run; however, they can be time-consuming in the early stages. Setting up profiles and updating skill sets and posting updated resumes, networking, trying to get into circles that may or may not offer you potential future employment are all time-consuming endeavors that may or may not produce results. Job searching is a full-time endeavor in and of itself.
Networking – Social media allows for networking opportunities above and beyond what a job seeker could find on his or her own. By networking, a potential employee can network with an individual who works for a company that may be hiring.
More Opportunities – Social media is bound to bounce you in many different directions, which is a good thing. The more you network, the more leads, suggestions, and contacts you will make. This will inevitably provide a potential job seeker with more opportunities that may be in a different capacity, but still leads to employment just the same. There may also be an opportunity in the form of social media networking that results in an internship, which then turns into full-time employment.
Being current – Whether you find your job using social media or not, just being aware of it and how to use it to its fullest is an advantage. More than likely, the company you are working for will have a website that involves social media. Knowing how to maintain the site and be an active participant in how to use social media will only be a bonus on your resume.